

April 23, 2008

The Allen Group CEO Accompanies Dallas Officials in Ceremony forthe Advisory Council Conference for the Institute of Mexicans Abroad
Richard S. Allen, Chief Executive Officer of The Allen Group, attended the inauguration of the Advisory Council Conference for the Institute of Mexicans Abroad on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 at the Crescent Court Hotel in Dallas, Texas. The Honorable Felipe Calderón, President of Mexico, gave opening remarks to a crowd of local business community representatives and government officials.

The topic of discussion was the importance of trade between Mexico and the United States. Mr. Allen inquired about the compatibility of the Dallas Logistics Hub and NAFTA and the pre-clearance of goods moving from Mexico to the United States. President Calderón confirmed that, in agreement with President Bush, pre-clearance of goods is a priority for each government.

President Calderón was in Texas for a conference of the Institute for Mexicans Abroad, a 125-member advisory council formed by the Mexican government five years ago to strengthen ties between Mexico and its descendants in other countries. The stop in Dallas was a result of Mayor Tom Leppert’s invitation to the president during a January trade mission to Monterrey, Mexico, which Mr. Allen also attended. The purpose of the mission was to promote trade between the twin inland ports, Dallas IIPOD and the Interpuerto.

 For more information about the Dallas Logistics Hub, please visit